Blue Zones Project engages people in activities that change mindsets and habits in lasting ways.
We give individuals tools, tips, and tricks that empower them to adopt the Power 9 principles and transform their home and social environments so that healthy choices become easier.
We offer programs that help community members identify their passions, talents, and values, and uncover their sense of purpose. Then we help them find ways to volunteer or put their purpose to work, enriching their lives and the lives of others in the community.
Our connections to friends, family, and those around us have the ability to shape our lives and impact our health, happiness, and behaviors, so Blue Zones Project helps people cultivate positive social networks based on interests.
When all of these things come together, what results is a healthier culture that embraces principles for living longer, better.
For Certified Campuses, Blue Zones Project works with individuals to encourage social connections through purpose workshops and volunteer events. In addition, we work with executive leadership through a Leading Well-Being workshop to encourage personal and leadership modeling of well-being practices.